Special Board Meeting - Executive Session
- What
- Special Board Meeting - Executive Session
- When
- 3/27/2025, 6:00 PM
- Where
- West Conference Room, Ted J. Comstock Administration Building 619 S. Canyon St. Nampa, Idaho
NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the Nampa School District 131 Board of Trustees will be held on Thursday, March 27, 2025, 6:00 p.m. at Nampa School District 131 Ted J. Comstock Administration Building 619 S. Canyon St. Nampa, Idaho, during which board business will be conducted.
Mission Statement - The mission of the Nampa School District is to ensure high levels of achievement for every student.
Vision Statement - Every student is fully engaged in extraordinary learning experiences, preparing for successful transition to the next stage of life.