Mike Kipp Appointed to Zone 2 Trustee Seat

The Nampa School Board named Mike Kipp as the new Zone 2 trustee at its Aug. 13 board meeting. Kipp will finish out the final four months of Trustee Janelle Stauffer’s term following her resignation to attend to family matters.

Kipp is a professor of youth and family ministry at Northwest Nazarene University, and a part-time pastor of intergenerational connections at College Church of the Nazarene. He holds a bachelor of science in business administration from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, a master of religious education from Nazarene Theological Seminary and a doctor of ministry in youth, family and culture. 

Kipp’s father served as a public school teacher, administrator and superintendent for nearly 40 years. A local resident since 1998, his two children have grown up in Nampa schools and currently attend Nampa High School. In his application for the seat, he noted that, “I believe public education is the best way for a community to shape the culture of a local area and it is deeply important for a school district to intentionally serve all students under its care.”

Kipp will be sworn in at the Sept. 10 board meeting. The Zone 1 and Zone 2 seats are up for reelection in November, with newly elected trustee taking office in January.
