Federal Programs

federal programs team
English Language Learner Program

Serves: 1,600 (+)

Provides a co-teaching model that supports students in their grade-level classroom, removing barriers between content and language

Family Community Resource Center, FCR(Community School)

Serves 3 elementary schools, and 2 middle schools

Provides support and services around basic needs (food and clothing) as well as mental health, medical/dental, early literacy, case management navigation, extracurricular programs, family and community...

McKinney Vento/ Homeless Supports

Serves 948 + 76 unaccompanied youth (this number fluctuates)

Provides and supports our NSD families that qualify as homeless under the federal McKinney-Vento Act in basic needs, shelter/housing, parenting classes, resume and job building, bridging the gap of poverty, setting goals, job retention, utility support, mental health and counseling...

21st Century Grant Program

Serves 160 students

A before- and after-school program supporting at-risk students in their home school environment with academic support and enrichment, social and emotional support and foundations, STEM and robotics, as well as family...

Migrant Education Program

Serves 450 (+)

Supports, provides, and advocates for our migrant and immigration families in academic, social/emotional, medical/dental, housing, and basic needs, graduation and credit recovery, and bridging the...

Title I-A: Improving Basic Programs

Title I-A: Improving Basic Programs is a federal program that helps students who are most at risk meet state academic standards and be proficient on state assessments.

Contact Information
For more information or to contact the Federal Programs Department, please get in touch with the following staff member(s):
Niall Trimble
Federal Programs Administrator