

According to State Law 39-4801, Immunizations are a requirement for school entry. Please check with your child's physician to ensure that all of their immunizations are up to date prior to their return to school. 
Prior to Kindergarten admission there are 6 immunization requirements. 
5 doses 
4 doses 
2 doses 
Hepatitis B 
3 doses 
Hepatitis A 
2 doses 
2 doses 
Prior to 7th grade admission there are 2 additional immunization requirements  
Tetanus Booster (Tdap)   
1 dose 
Meningococcal ACWY (MCV4)  
1st dose 
Prior to 12th grade admission there is 1 additional Immunization requirement 
Meningococcal ACWY (MCV4) 
2nd dose 
Idaho law allows a parent or guardian to claim an immunization exemption for their child for medical, religious or other reasons. A medical exemption must be completed by a licensed physician. It is recommended that exemptions for religious or other reasons be documented on the form provided by DHW's Immunization Program: In the event of a disease outbreak, children who have claimed an exemption and have not received the immunization against that disease may be excluded from school and/or childcare.

Illness Guidelines

The following are guidelines for keeping your child home from school to ensure his/her wellbeing and prevent the spread of
• A 100-degree temperature or more and should remain home for 24 hours after fever without the use of fever reducing
• Vomiting or diarrhea and should remain home for 24 hours after the last incident of either.
• Nasal discharge with a yellow/green color.
• Student with more lethargy than usual.
• Cough in combination with other symptoms.
• Contagious process- rash, pink eye, head lice, etc.
If your child is sick and feels the need to go home, our nurse or designee are the only personnel that can medically excuse the
Please do not have your student call home directly using their cell phone as this is a violation of our electronic device

Health and Emergency Policy

If a student is injured or becomes ill at school, efforts will be made to notify the parent/guardian. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, then the person designated to be called in an emergency will be notified. Please advise the school of any changes in telephone numbers, places of work or emergency contacts as they occur. In the event of serious illness or injury, the Canyon County paramedics will be notified to assess the student’s condition and transport to the emergency room if they determine it is necessary. Every effort will be made to contact the parent, who may then meet the student at the emergency room or at school. It is the parent’s responsibility to pay for medical services – including transportation to the emergency room. The school has personnel trained in performing CPR and first aid; these personnel along with the school nurse and/or administrators will be responsible for determining the need to call for further medical assistance. If your student has a chronic or acute health condition that may affect them at school, please contact the school nurse.


Most medications should be administered at home. If a student must take medication (non-prescription or prescription) at school,
the medication is to be supervised and dispensed through the nurse’s office. The medication must be in the original container. 
The medication must be accompanied by a written release on file with the school nurse. 
Forms are available from the nurse and require:
• Name of medication and reason for taking it.
• Doctor’s name.
• Dosage and length of time to be administered.
• Parent/guardian signature.
Asthma multi‐dose inhalers and EpiPens may be carried by the student, with the written permission of student’s physician, parent and with the knowledge of the school nurse.