Nampa School District News
Applicants Sought for Vacant Nampa School Board Seat
Residents of Nampa School District Zone 3 are invited to apply to fill a vacant school board seat. Applicants must live in Zone 3, be 18 or older and be registered to vote. To find out if you live in Zone 3, visit
Trustees are volunteers who are responsible for setting school district policy, approving the annual budget, adopting curriculum and hiring and supervising the superintendent, among other duties.
Applications will be accepted until August 11, 2023. The person appointed will serve until the term expires in December 2025.
An application can be found at Return it by Aug. 11 to Board Clerk Krissy LaMont, Nampa School District, 619 S. Canyon St., Nampa, ID 83686, or [email protected].
NSD EdTalk with Dr. Russell: NSD Student IBE Apprenticeship / HP Self-Maintainer Program
Join Dr. Russell as he talks with 3 of our students discussing their experience with the Idaho Business for Education and the HP Self-Maintainer program.
#WeAreNampa #NSD131 #NampaProud
CTE Diplomas Recognize Career Readiness

Like all high school students, those enrolled in CTE programs need to meet the academic requirements established by the District and State Boards of Education in order to receive this designation. In addition, they also must demonstrate their increased level of college and career readiness by:
1. Completing a CTE pathway that culminates with a capstone course as a junior or senior
The CTE Diploma helps employers find qualified candidates for their hardest-to-fill positions, reduce the time and money invested in training new employees, and identify candidates who possess the employability skills needed in the workplace.
Find a list of Nampa students who earned this designation below.
2023 CTE Diplomas