Open Enrollment Program Information
Información del Programa de Inscripción Abierta en Español
The Nampa School District strives to be your district of choice. We offer open enrollment for all of our traditional elementary and secondary schools as well as our Nampa Online Virtual Academy. You can request the school that is the best fit for your child. Open enrollment is available for parents who live inside or outside of the district boundaries.
Applications for Open Enrollment are now being accepted. All applications will be reviewed and considered based on eligible criteria and families will be notified within 60 days by the requested school.
Please review the Open Enrollment Procedure before completing the application found at the end of this page. Also note that ALL students must complete either the online New Student Enrollment or Returning Student Enrollment forms for the appropriate school year, even if they have already completed an Open Enrollment Application.
Open Enrollment Applications are available on the left-side menu box of this page.
Important points to consider when applying include:
Transportation of open-enrolled students is the parent’s responsibility. District bussing is not available.
Open enrollment may be denied or revoked because of documented discipline or behavior infractions, documented chronic absences or attendance issues, and/or enrollment capacity limits reached by zoned students into a building or program.
Denials or revocations may be appealed in writing.
If you want to choose one of our non-traditional schools, click these links. Please DO NOT complete an open enrollment application for these schools.
- Union Alternative School – 6th-12th grade
- New Horizons Dual Language Magnet School - K-8th grade