Voluntary Device Protection (non-refundable) Agreement

Future focused classrooms; world ready students
RELENTLESS EDUCATORS Inspirational instruction leveraging technology to ensure excellence for every student |
TENACIOUS STUDENTS Through the skillful use of technology, confidently creating their own path to personal excellence |
SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY Partnering with our school community to ensure excellence and innovation |
Accessing a world of resources | Engaging in a global community | Collaborating to contribute
A device, device charger, and a protective case or sleeve will be distributed this fall during device orientations. Parents and students must sign and return the Nampa Personalized Learning (NPL) Acceptable Use Agreement, Student/Parent Acknowledgment, and Student Pledge documents before the device can be issued to individuals.
If a student transfers out of the Nampa School District during the school year, the device and accessories will be returned at that time.
Students who transfer to another school district, withdraw, are suspended or expelled, or terminate enrollment in the Nampa School District for any other reason must return their individual school device and accessories on the date of termination. If a student/parent guardian fails to return the device upon termination of enrollment, that student/parent guardian will remain liable for the cost of the device similar to a band instrument, books, or other items loaned by the school.
Furthermore, the student/parent guardian will be responsible for any damage to the device, consistent with the NPL Acceptable Use Agreement, and must return the device and school issued device charger in satisfactory condition.
The student/parent guardian will be charged a fee for any needed repairs, not to exceed the replacement cost of the device (see table in section 8).*
*Damage will be covered according to Voluntary Device Protection (non-refundable) policy.
Students are responsible for the general care of the device they have been issued by the school. Devices that are broken or fail to work properly must be taken to the designated spot at each school site for an evaluation of the equipment.
- Elementary students will be provided a protective cover for their device.
- Secondary students will be provided a sleeve per student request.
- If students choose to provide their own cover or sleeve, they will need to meet the case specifications in Section 2.2.
- The device is school property and all users will follow the NPL Acceptable Use Agreement and applicable Board policy.
- Only use a clean, dry soft cloth to clean the screen—don’t use cleansers of any type.
- Cords and cables must be inserted carefully into the device to prevent damage.
- The physical devices must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels that are not applied by the Nampa School District. Students may not remove any labels applied by the Nampa School District.
- If any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels are found when the device is turned in, students may be subject to fines or replacement costs.
- Students are responsible for keeping their device secured at all times and never left unattended. When not in your personal possession, the device should be in a secure, locked environment. Unattended devices will be collected and stored in the school’s main office.
- Students are responsible for their devices both in and out of school, including extracurricular events. Costs associated with lost, stolen, or damaged devices as stated in this Agreement apply to extracurricular events. It will not be the responsibility of the coach, bus driver, etc. to protect the devices during extracurricular activities.
- Students are responsible for charging their devices at home in preparation for each school day.
- Students should label their charging cable and school issued accessories with their name and are advised not to loan out their charging cables or accessories to friends or family members.
2.2 Case Specifications
2.2.1 iPad Case Specifications
- iPad cases will be provided by the Nampa School District.
2.2.2 Laptop Bag Requirements
- Needs a protective padded carrying location
- It should provide some crushing protection
- It must provide drop protection for the device
- Your device should always be carried securely when it is outside of a school bag or backpack. To protect the screen from damage, device screens should face towards the student's backs when placed in their backpacks. Please be cautious when placing books, folders, pens, pencils and other items near or on your device.
- Avoid placing too much pressure and weight on the screen. We recommend using a bag with several pockets to keep these items separated. Always place your device on top of a stack of books.
- The device screen can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. The screen is particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure on the screen.
- To protect the screen from damage, device screens should face towards the student's backs when placed in their backpacks.
- Do not lean on the device.
- Do not place anything near the device that could put pressure on the screen.
- Do not place anything inside your cover that will press against the screen.
- Clean the screen with a soft, dry cloth or anti-static cloth.
- Each device will come with either a district provided case or protective sleeve. Students with laptops are allowed to change the sleeve of their device as long as it meets the specifications in section 2.2.
- Any Nampa School District label cannot be covered or removed.
- No stickers or labels can be applied directly on the device. If anything is applied, students are responsible for the removal and may be charged for the cost of replacing the device if any residue or damage to the device occurs.
Devices are intended for use at school each day. In addition to curricular expectations, school messages, announcements, calendars and schedules may be accessed using the devices. Students are expected to bring their devices to all classes, unless specifically instructed not to do so by a teacher.
- If students leave their device at home, they are responsible for completing course work as if they had their device present.
- If your device needs repair you will receive a replacement device at each school site.
- Devices must be brought to school each day in a fully charged condition. Students need to charge their devices each evening. In cases of low batteries, students may be able to connect their devices to a power outlet in class or the media center during recess or lunch if a cord is available.
- Students should not loan their charging accessories to friends or family.
- Inappropriate media may not be used as a sticker, screensaver or background photo. Presence of guns, weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drug, gang-related symbols or pictures will result in disciplinary actions.
- Sound must be muted or headphones used at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes.
- Game play is not allowed during school hours unless specifically connected to classroom curriculum, content and activities.
- Apps and digital content to support classroom learning will be provided by the Nampa School District.
- Students will not be allowed to add their own apps to these devices. Educational activities and storage use will take priority over personal use.
- The district reserves the right to clear the device of all personal sound, music, games or programs as needed for educational activities and storage.
- Students may not take photos or video of other students, staff, or anyone without their permission. The possession, forwarding, or uploading of unauthorized photos or video to any website, network storage area, or person is strictly forbidden. In addition, photos and video taken with the device may not be used to slander, bully or denigrate any student, staff member, or anyone on or off the campus at any time. Photos and video taken with the device are for educational purposes only and should be directly related to classroom assignments, projects, and areas of study.
- Any inappropriate use of video messaging services will result in disciplinary actions.
- Students are allowed to connect to other wireless networks through their device settings. The same school Internet filter that supervises connections on all Nampa School District networks will restrict allowable content. When the device goes home or to any other location and connects to the Internet, content will be filtered to the same levels as those in our schools. Students should not have any expectation of privacy concerning their use of the device, including but not limited to website, apps/applications, or email content or browser history. While at home, parent supervision of device use is expected.
- Students may save work on the devices using their Office365 accounts. Storage space will be available on the devices— BUT it will NOT be backed up in case of re-imaging. The district provides cloud storage through Office365 accounts. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure work is not lost due to mechanical failure or accidental deletion. Instructions on saving documents to Office365 will be provided in classes.
- If students leave their device at home, they are responsible for completing course work as if they had their device present. Storing your documents through the cloud helps ensure this is possible.
- Nampa School District makes no guarantee their network will be up and running 100% of the time. In the rare case the network is down, the District will not be responsible for lost or missing data.
- Students are assigned a district-provided e-mail account through the district’s Office365 domain. This account may restrict email communication, allowing only student-to-staff messaging to occur and will be determined by the Nampa School District. No other e-mail account should be used for school-related activities. Student email accounts, and their content, are property of the district and are subject to search at any time.
- The e-mail account provided to the student is created through the district’s Office365 domain. This domain is managed by the school district.
- The e-mail system is not to be considered private. Any messages sent or received through the system are available for viewing should they be requested or if there is deemed to be the need to view them due to an investigation by administration. Students should not have any expectation of privacy concerning their use of the device, including but not limited to website, apps/applications, or email content or browser history. Should a parent/guardian need to access their student’s email account, they can request access through the Nampa School District Information Services department.
- Use of the e-mail system for harassment, bullying or any other inappropriate use is not allowed and will result in potential disciplinary actions up to and including loss of privileges and suspension or expulsion.
- The apps and other resources originally installed by the Nampa School District must remain on the device in usable condition and be easily accessible at all times. From time to time the school may add apps for use in a particular class or subject area. Regular and periodic checks of devices will be made to ensure that students have not removed required apps and content.
- Students are not allowed to load extra apps and content on their devices. Any additional apps or content found on the device that violates any part of the NPL Acceptable Use Agreement will result in potential disciplinary actions up to and including loss of privileges and suspension or expulsion. The Nampa School District will make sure that devices contain the necessary tools to complete school work. Recommendations for any app can go to a teacher for consideration.
- Students may be selected at random to provide their devices for inspection by any district employee. Students should not have any expectation of privacy concerning their use of the device, including but not limited to website, apps/applications, or email content or browser history.
- If technical difficulties occur the devices will be restored from backup. The Nampa School District does not accept responsibility for the loss of apps or documents, educational or personal, deleted due to a re-format and/or re-image.
- Upgrade versions of the operating system and apps are available from time to time and will be deployed by the Nampa School District as needed.
Use of the Nampa School District technology resources is a privilege, not a right. The privilege of using the technology resources provided by the Nampa School District is not transferable or extendible by students to people or groups outside the District and terminates when a student is no longer enrolled in the Nampa School District. This guide is provided to make all users aware of the responsibilities associated with efficient, ethical, and lawful use of technology resources. If a person violates any of the user terms and conditions named in this policy, privileges may be terminated, access to the school district technology resources may be denied, and the appropriate disciplinary action shall be applied. Violations may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension/expulsion for students. When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.
- Talk to your children about appropriate and responsible use of the Internet. For a free parent resource on Digital Citizenship, please visit: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/articles
- If the device is not taken home, your student is still responsible for meeting course requirements. Any questions can be directed towards the building administrator.
- Provide Internet to its students at school.
- Provide Internet filtering of inappropriate materials.
- Provide network data storage area through Office365. Similar to a school locker or other district-owned resource, the Nampa School District reserves the right to review, monitor, and restrict information stored on or transmitted via Nampa School District- owned equipment and to investigate inappropriate use of resources.
- Provide guidance to aid students in doing research/projects and help ensure student compliance of the acceptable use policy.
- Use devices in a responsible and ethical manner.
- Obey general school rules concerning behavior and communication that apply to device/computer use.
- Use all technology resources in an appropriate manner so as not to damage school equipment. This “damage” includes, but is not limited to, the loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries or service interruptions caused by the student’s own negligence, errors or omissions.
- Evaluate all content obtained using their device for accuracy and quality.
- Help the Nampa School District protect our computer system/ devices by contacting a staff person about any security problems they may encounter.
- Monitor all activity on their account(s).
- If an email or other communication is received containing inappropriate or abusive language or if the subject matter is questionable, report it to a staff person immediately.
- Students should not share any personally identifiable information over email or the internet, or through the use of apps. The U.S. General Services Administration defines Personally identifiable information (PII) as “information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as their name, social security number, biometric records, etc. alone, or when combined with other personal or identifying information which is linked or linkable to a specific individual, such as date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, etc.”
- Students who transfer to another school district, withdraw, are expelled, or terminate enrollment at Nampa School District for any other reason must return the device and accessories on the date of termination.
- Students will keep, maintain, and be responsible for devices for four years unless they unenroll from the Nampa School District. They will be responsible for keeping the device over the summer, and returning with their device in the fall.
- Device shall not be left unattended and remain with them at all times.
- Using devices for non-educational purposes during class times
- Illegal installation or transmission of copyrighted materials
- Any action violating existing Board policy, administrative rule, or public law
- Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing offensive, profane, threatening, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials
- Use of chat rooms or websites selling term papers, book reports, and other forms of student work
- Use of personal messaging services for non-educational purposes
- Use of outside data disks or USB devices without knowing their contents or origin
- Changing device settings (exceptions include personal settings such as font size, brightness, etc.)
- Spamming/sending mass or inappropriate emails
- Gaining access to other student accounts, files, and/or data
- Use of the school’s Internet/e-mail accounts for financial or commercial gain or for any illegal activity
- Use of anonymous and/or false communications
- Giving out personal information, for any reason, over the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, setting up Internet accounts including those necessary for chat rooms, Ebay, email, etc.
- Participation in credit card fraud, electronic forgery or other forms of illegal behavior.
- Vandalism (any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, software or data, including, but not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses or computer programs that can infiltrate computer systems and/or damage software components) of school equipment will not be allowed
- Transmission or accessing materials that are obscene, offensive, threatening or otherwise intended to harass/demean others
- Bypassing Nampa School District web filter or other security measures through a web proxy or other methods
- Taking photos or video of other students, staff or anyone without their permission
- The possession, forwarding, or uploading of unauthorized photos or video to any website, network storage area, or person is strictly forbidden.
- Students will be held responsible for maintaining their individual devices and keeping them in good working order
- Device batteries must be charged and ready for school each day.
- Only district student ID labels or asset tags approved by the Nampa School District administration may be applied to the physical device.
- You cannot remove or cover Nampa School District device stickers.
- iPads must be in a district approved cover at all times.
- Laptops must remain in a protective sleeve when not in use.
- Devices should be protected from extreme heat or cold, pets, and moisture. Practice basic care by not keeping open liquids and eating food on your device.
- Other basic care includes but is not limited to not dropping the device while in a backpack, attention and care while the device is plugged in and charging, placing the device on a secure surface, etc.
- Devices that malfunction or are damaged must be reported to tech support as soon as possible. The Nampa School District Information Services department will facilitate repairing devices that malfunction. See Section 8 of this Agreement for costs to students and parents for damaged devices.
- Devices that are lost or stolen must be reported immediately to the school resource manager. A police report needs to be created with the Nampa Police Department.
- Comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of the law is not immunity. If you are unsure, ask a teacher or parent.
- Plagiarism is illegal. Give credit to all sources used, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the Internet, such as graphics, movies, music, and text.
- Use or possession of hacking software is strictly prohibited and violators will be subject to applicable state or federal laws that may result in criminal prosecution or disciplinary action by Nampa School District.
- If a student violates any of the user terms and conditions named in this policy, privileges may be suspended or terminated, access to the school district technology resources may be denied, and the appropriate disciplinary action shall be applied. Violations may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension/expulsion for students. When applicable, law enforcement may be involved.
- Student devices will be labeled in the manner specified by the school district. District identification labels/stickers cannot be covered or removed. Devices can be identified in the following ways:
- Record of serial number
- Nampa School District barcode
- When not in use, devices should be stored securely.
- Nothing should be placed on top of a device when stored in a locker, desk, or bag.
- After initial instruction, secondary students are required to take their devices home every day after school, whether needed or not. Devices are not to be left in school lockers or PE lockers overnight. If devices are left at school, it is the student’s responsibility to check them into a secure location designated by their school or teacher.
- IPads are to be stored securely in the classroom iPad cart. They are to be plugged in and charged for the next day’s use.
- Devices should not be stored in a student’s family vehicle at school or at home.
- Under no circumstances should devices be left in unsupervised areas. Unsupervised areas include the school grounds and campus, the lunchroom, computer labs, bathroom, locker rooms, library, unlocked classrooms, hallways, and unlocked lockers. Any device left in these areas is in danger of being stolen. If a device is found in an unsupervised area, including an unlocked locker, it will be taken to the school office.
Students will be held responsible for ALL damage or loss to their device, device charger, and protective case resulting from negligence or misuse. This includes accessories not covered by warranty including, but not limited to broken screens, cracked pieces, inoperability, etc. In the event of damage not covered by the warranty, the student and parent will be billed for the cost of repairs. Repairs must be made by the Nampa School District Information Services Department. The student will check in/ check out a replacement device until repairs are made (unless damage is due to gross negligence, intentional destruction, or willful misconduct – administration will then determine device use for the student).
FIRST INCIDENT: After you review the device care and security sections of the NPL Acceptable Use Agreement with your building administration, you may be issued a replacement device, if one is available. Your building administration will take into account the situation that led to the damage or loss. This may result in limiting your device use to in-school only, for a period to be determined by your administrator. You still will be required to complete all school assignments, and your teachers will make reasonable accommodations as needed. You and your family may be held responsible for the full cost of repair or replacement.
SECOND INCIDENT: You may be restricted to use a device only at school, and the device must be checked in and out with the assigned building staff at the beginning and end of the school day. You may not be allowed to take the device home until you and a parent or guardian meet with building administration and agree to a plan for preventing the loss or damage in the future. You may face school disciplinary actions. You and your family may be held responsible for the full cost of repair or replacement.
THIRD INCIDENT: You will be allowed to use a device only at school, and the device must be checked in and out with the assigned building staff at the beginning and end of the school day. You will not be allowed to take the device home for the remainder of the school year. You may face school disciplinary actions. You and your family may be held responsible for the full cost of repair or replacement.
If you fail to return the device and/or related components upon withdrawal or when directed to do so, the device and related components will be considered stolen property. In that case, the district will not release your records and will file a police report. You must return the district-provided charging accessory and protective case/sleeve, and any other device related items issued by the district when you return your device.
Elementary Device (Apple iPad) Repair Costs
- Complex Repair: $120
- Basic Repair: $50
- Device Replacement: $299
- Wall Charger: $13
- Lightning Cable: $7
- Device Replacement: $400
- Basic Repair: $30
(Camera, Plastics) - Complex Repair: $150
(Keyboard, Motherboard, Screen)
The Nampa School District strongly recommends that you purchase the optional, non-refundable Voluntary Device Protection (VDP) plan for your child’s device every year. If you have homeowner’s insurance or rental insurance, you may also be able to add a device to your insurance. Please note families are responsible for replacement if you choose not to purchase VDP and your device is lost, stolen, damaged outside of acceptable use, etc. VDP for the device is a yearly cost.
VDP will cover the device from the purchase date until the following August. Families who wish to purchase VDP after the October cutoff date will need to have their device inspected before purchase.
- VDP $25
- Second Incident $25
(the first use of VDP is free, the second incident will be charged a $25 fee)
- Lost or stolen devices. A police report must be filed, contact your school’s Resource Manager for more information.
- Unintentional damage
What is NOT covered under VDP?
- Lost, stolen, or damaged chargers
- Intentional damage
- Unreturned devices. Devices not returned when leaving Nampa School District are not covered by VDP, students will be charged the full replacement cost of the device.
Scholarships for VDP may be available, please talk to your school administrator for more information.
619 S. CANYON ST, NAMPA, ID 83686
PHONE: (208) 468-4600 • FAX: (208) 468-4638