Focus Schools

Focus Schools

The Nampa School District is proud to offer many options for learning throughout our district. Focus schools are schools that teach the curriculum through a specific lens to enhance student learning.

Focus schools teach to the same standards and are held to the same requirements as our traditional programs, while enhancing the curriculum through a specific focus.

What focuses or options are available for my student(s)?

The Nampa School District offers a variety of specialized programs to meet the unique needs and interests of its students. These include arts integration, project-based learning, blended learning, mastery-based learning, STEM, and a dual-language program. Additionally, the district provides a fully online option through NOVA.

Interested in enrolling your student in one of our focus schools?

All students are welcome to attend focus schools regardless of where they live. If a focus school is within your student's school boundary, they will automatically be assigned to that school. However, if your student lives outside of the school boundary or outside of the Nampa School District, you can still apply for them to attend a focus school through our district's open-enrollment process.

To learn more about open enrollment, visit our

What are the NSD Focus Schools?


Dual Language Focus

Nampa Online Virtual Academy K-12

Blended Learning Focus




Dual Language Focus

Nampa Online Learning Academy K-12

FUSION Academy (Project-Based Learning)

Big Picture Learning

Are there any additional options?

Nampa Online Virtual Academy K-12

The Nampa School District offers a preschool
option for students ages 3-4.

Big Picture Learning