NSD Transportation

NSD Transportation Department: Bus Routes
Bus routes for the upcoming school year will be available on or before August 1. To ensure that your student is registered for bus transportation, please verify their registration status in your FinalForms/PowerSchool account.  Please note individual bus routes are being updated as new routes/stops are deemed necessary.
Nampa Hotline: [email protected]
NSD Transportation Department: School Bus Rules
These bus rules are designed to ensure a safe and orderly environment for all students while they are waiting for, boarding, riding, and deboarding the school bus. It is important for every student to understand and follow these rules. The bus driver will explain these rules to you, and it is your responsibility to know and obey them.  Please note, the bus expectations are an extension of NSD school expectations. School Administration will oversee student conduct.
General Conduct
  1. Respect the Driver and Other Riders: Always listen to the bus driver and follow their instructions. Treat your driver and fellow passengers with respect.
  2. Stay Seated: Remain in your assigned seat at all times while the bus is moving. Keep the aisle clear of personal items and body parts.
  3. Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to Yourself: Do not touch or take other people's belongings. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
  4. No Eating or Drinking: Eating, drinking, or chewing gum is not allowed on the bus. This includes consuming any edible or non-edible items.
  5. Use Appropriate Language: Swearing, using inappropriate gestures, or language is not allowed.
  6. Noise Level: Keep noise to a minimum. Loud or unnecessary noise can distract the driver.
  7. Litter-Free Bus: Do not litter. Keep the bus clean by disposing of trash properly.
  8. No Windows or Emergency Exits Misuse: Keep all body parts inside the bus at all times. Do not open or exit through emergency doors, windows, or hatches unless directed by the driver in an emergency.
Safety Violations
  1. No Dangerous Items: Possession or use of weapons, illegal drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or related paraphernalia is strictly prohibited and will result in severe consequences.
  2. No Vandalism: Do not damage or tamper with the bus or its equipment. This includes graffiti or destruction of seats and other bus property.
  3. No Throwing Objects: Do not throw, spit, or shoot objects in, from, or at the bus.
  4. Endangerment: Actions that endanger yourself or others are strictly prohibited.
Respect and Responsibility
  1. Respect Others' Property: Do not take or damage another person’s property.
  2. Follow the Driver's Instructions: Always follow the bus driver's directions promptly and without argument.
  3. Report Issues: If you see or experience something wrong, report it to the bus driver immediately.
Specific Prohibitions
  1. No Harassment: Bullying, harassment, inflicting injury, making threats, or any form of indecent exposure will not be tolerated.
  2. No Laser Pens or LED Lights: The use of laser pens or LED lights on the bus is prohibited.
  3. Obey All Safety Measures: Adhere to all safety measures, including keeping the aisles and emergency exits clear.
Consequences for Violations
Please reference student handbook for possible consequences.
Due Process
  1. Right to Appeal: Students and parents have the right to request an informal meeting or appeal citations as outlined in the Transportation Discipline Policy.


Following these rules helps ensure that everyone has a safe and pleasant ride to and from school. Your cooperation is essential in making the bus ride safe for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns about these rules, please talk to your bus driver or school administration.

NSD Transportation Feedback/Concerns/Questions (NSD Parents/Guardians)
General Community Feedback/Concerns/Questions
Please email [email protected]
Contact Information
For more information or to contact the NSD Transportation Department, please get in touch with the following staff member(s):
Nampa Hotline: [email protected]
Rebecca Lenack
NSD Transportation Manager
(208) 498-0588
3410 East Railroad
Nampa, ID